Your Word is Truth

Thank you Lord that you are our rock of our salvation and that your word is truth. Thank you that we can stand steadfast in you when we rely upon you and your word. Thank you that in your word we have a firm foundation from which to judge every idea of men.

Thank you Lord that the fear of you is the beginning of wisdom. Thank you that when we know you and understand our accountability to you we will make wise choices in life. Thank you that following your will and way always blesses and benefits us.

May our eyes be open to the fullness of your truth. May we understand your heart and mind and not be pulled off course by fine sounding speech that is not of you. May discernment guide us and keep us in your way.

Thank you Lord that when we accept the reality that truth only comes from you, we are guided down right paths, which lead to righteousness. Thank you that when we discern what is of you and what isn’t we aren’t taken captive by ideas which enslave us and blind us to your truth. Thank you that the way of true freedom comes from knowing and believing you.

Open our eyes that we may know and understand the wonderful things you have to say and the path of wisdom that you want to lead us along. Lord, may we recognize that leaning on our own understanding will misdirect us. May we acknowledge you in every way, knowing that you will only lead us in the truth that will make our path straight. Thank you Lord that you want for us what is good and right and that we find you when we seek you.


Job 28:20-28