Your Heart – Prayer

Lord, please fill my life with your presence. Enable me to see with your eyes and to love with your heart. May I take my focus off myself and put it on you.

May the desire of my heart be to do what pleases you. May I want what you want and not focus on my petty concerns. Instead may I focus on the work you desire me to do in service to you and others.

Work in me a humble heart so I can truly put the needs of others above my own. May I be more aware of others and what you want me to do for them. May my interactions be other-focused and not self-focused.

Lord, I can only treat others well and do what is right through a connection to you. May I be aware of anything in me that breaks my relationship with you. Please make me more sensitive to your Spirit so I am aware of anything in me I need to confess and repent from.

Lord, help me to see what my thoughts are focused on throughout the day. Enable me to think of you and what is pleasing to you and keep out thoughts that would break my fellowship with you. May I truly be the gatekeeper of my mind and only let in thoughts that will bless and benefit me and others. May I remember that whatever I think about will be magnified in my life.

Thank you Lord that you are the author and source of what is good and right. Thank you that you want to lead us in your way and bring us into a state of peace and blessing. Thank you that when we are out of sorts we can be brought back to a right state through the uncovering and confession of sin. Thank you that you never bless us when we are in a state of sin because if you did we wouldn’t seek you. May we want a right relationship with you above all else. May any discontent in us cause us to seek you more.


Colossians 3:12-17