You Are – Prayer

Oh Lord, you are holy and righteous, merciful and kind. You have loved us with a never-ending love, even though in our rebellion against you we are undeserving.  Oh Lord, we pray that we would become more like you and love others in the way you love us.

Thank you Lord Jesus that through the gift of your life you have redeemed ours. Thank you that through you we can overcome the weight and the punishment of our sin. Thank you that through your Spirit at work in us we can be made right.

May your work in us be evident in the way we live and treat others. May we not be motivated by selfish ambition or vain conceit but by a desire to edify and encourage others in you. May our actions and words be born out of true humility in seeing ourselves as your servants, called to do your will.

Thank you Lord that in you we are made complete and find everything we need to live a good and fruitful life. May producing fruit for your glory be the motivation for everything we do. May we truly look to the needs and interests of others more than our own.

Lord, may we die more to self and become more alive in you. May our minds be transformed so we only want what is of you. Through your love and sacrifice may we truly become new creatures in you.

Lord Jesus, you have given us the ultimate gift of yourself to draw us to the Father. May we truly come alive in you and live in the love of the Father. From your love in us, may streams of living water flow from us and affect the lives of others. May your undeserved love be made complete in us as we love and serve others.


1 John 5:1-12