We Need You – Prayer

Jesus, we need you. We need your Holy Spirit to work in us making us into the people that you want us to be. We need the power of your resurrected life in us so we are able to do what pleases you.

Lord, we recognize that we are sinners and fall far short of your glory.  What you created good is now fallen and destructive. Thank you that you gave your life to redeem and restore us. May we put our faith in you and be made righteous once again.

Lord, forgive our arrogance for thinking that we have life or understanding apart from you. May our eyes be open to see your majesty and our total dependence on you. May we truly see what we are like apart from you, wayward and following folly and our own evil desires.

Thank you Lord that you never stop pursuing us, wanting to draw us back into a right relationship with you. Thank you that when we are in right relationship with you we are able to treat others rightly and in doing so honor you.

Lord, we recognize that our own sin is our worst enemy because that is what separates us from you. The sin of others may cause us pain and hurt but if we respond rightly to what they do wrong it won’t break our relationship with you. Lord, may we see in all things that our greatest need is to be connected to you.

Forgive us Lord for elevating ourselves and diminishing you. May we lift you up and bow before you as you deserve. May we see ourselves for who we are in comparison to you and be grateful for your redeeming love and your forgiveness that has rescued us from our sinful, lost state and given us new life. We are forever grateful for your grace and mercy that paid the price for our sin and satisfied God’s justice.


Romans 3:21-26 (click to read)

One comment

  1. Clarified my own searching prayer about a difficult problem. Thanks Marty for your ministry.

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