Walking In Wisdom

One of the great gifts God gave to Richard and me was a hunger for his word so we would study it and know how we were to live. That desire was born out of making many mistakes in our own lives when we were young by going our own way apart from him.

At this stage in my life, the bad mistakes of my youth lay in the distant past and the consequences of my rebellious disobedience a dim memory. Although I still sin and go my own way apart from God at times, I know the way to benefit and blessing is to follow after God. I am so grateful for the benefit that knowing Christ has made in my life, my marriage and the lives of my children.

God is good. His word is good and the gift he has given us through his Son is immeasurable. My heart aches for people who don’t know that and follow destructive worldly ideas.

In talking with people throughout his years of ministry, Richard would always say, “God is smarter than we are and we do well to gain his perspective and do things his way.” God wants to bless and benefit us, but that blessing only comes through living life his way in a relationship with him.

If you want to use Ultimate Outcome materials to help you grow in an understanding of God’s path to living a right life, a good place to start is with the study Walking in Wisdom. It gives good insight from the book of Proverbs into the way God desires us to live. It’s newly posted on the website this week.


  1. I love that saying from Richard God is smarter than we are and would do well to gain his perspective and do things his way .I just attended Difference maker work shop and it made me think of Richard with 3 points. 1. An urgency to help others to Christ 2 .The confidence to share your faith without fear 3. The ability to write your personal testimony. Got to love the way Richard always used points

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