Value – Prayer

Thank you Lord that value of each one of our lives lies in the fact that you created us in your image. You granted each of us life so we could fulfill your purposes and bring you honor and glory.

We thank you that each one of us is unique and will reflect some aspect of who you are according to our special design. May we value and appreciate one another for the humanity that unites us and for our differences, which make life more interesting and full.

Thank you that you have designed us to live in families and communities. Thank you that we need one another to experience the fullness of life. Thank you that you have gifted each of us to bless and benefit one another. Thank you that our value as individuals lies in you and not ourselves and what we accomplish.

Lord, may we live by your word and esteem others more than ourselves. May our desire be to build others up in you and be an edifying force in their life. May we truly want what is best for all people and treat them with the respect they merit for being image bearers of you.

Lord, open our eyes so we see others as you see them. We know you grieve because of our tendency to turn our back on you and go our own way apart from you. We know that you don’t want anyone to perish but rather want all people to come to you. May we faithfully play our part in sharing the truth about you and opening the eyes of others to the majesty and grandeur of their Creator. 


1 Corinthians 12:12-26