Understand – Prayer

Lord, bring your light to our land so that each of us would see ourselves for who we are, sinners in need of a savior. May we see that none of us is righteous. May we recognize that we have no hope to make ourselves or our nation right apart from you.

We pray for a work of your Holy Spirit to bring conviction to each heart, humbling us, and drawing us to your saving grace. May we see how far short we fall of your standard and the magnitude of the forgiveness you have given to us. May we extend the same grace and forgiveness to others.

May we see the depravity that lies in our own hearts and stop accusing others as though we were righteous. May we understand fully that only you are righteous and that apart from your work in us we have no hope to be made right.

Create in us a new heart, Lord, that we are able to love you and others as you desire. Work in us so that we want to submit to you and your righteous decree to love others as we love ourselves. Please do a purifying work in our hearts and our land.

Open our minds to understand what is the way we are to go. Please lift the blinders off our eyes so we see the foolish lies we believe that lead us into destruction. Lord God, may we see the outcomes of ideas and only believe those that are good and right.

Lord, we understand that unless we fear you we will never be wise. As a nation may we acknowledge that you are God and we are accountable to you. May we humble ourselves before you and lift your name up. Please bring healing to our hearts and to our land.


Romans 3:9-20 (Click to Read)