Being Transformed by Jesus

How dramatically different life can be with a transformed mind!  The news is full of people committing actions that they can only do because they are not in their right minds. Where does transformation start? How can we achieve right-mindedness? What are the benefits of being right-minded?

In Mark 5:1-20, there is the story of Jesus reaching the shores of Gerasene and being confronted by a man possessed by a “Legion” of spirits within him.  The man was tormented day and night with no relief for his anguish.  Upon seeing Jesus approaching, the man ran toward Jesus and bowed down before him shouting “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Highest God?”  

How is it that evil spirits so easily recognized Jesus for who he is (see also Mark 1:24) and yet we struggle to recognize his deity in our day-to-day lives?  Thankfully for the man, Jesus had pity on him and cast the demons out.  

When the towns’ people came to see what had happened, they found the man that they had known to be naked, possessed and in constant torment, was now with Jesus “sitting there, dressed and in his right mind.”

Often what we seek from Jesus is physical healing.  Nothing wrong with that, but how often are we aware of our need for the healing of our minds?  


The transformation we see in the man came ONLY as the result of the healing and transforming power of Jesus, and the benefit of such a transformation was not only physical healing, but being able to “sit there in his right mind.”  

If we want the benefit of thinking rightly, experiencing right-mindedness, experiencing the right outcomes, then we must do at least two things:

1- Recognize Jesus’s authority daily as the Son of the Most-High God and 

2- Bow before him and ask him to transform us, transform our worldview, transform our thoughts.

Take the opportunity to recognize the coming of the Son of the Most High God and the value of the transformation of your thoughts.