This Day

Lord, this day as so many of the Psalmists did, we want to lift you up and praise your holy name. Lord, there is no God besides you. You alone are worthy of our worship and praise.

Lord, first and foremost we praise you for our salvation. We thank you for giving your Son to pay the penalty of our sins. We thank you that Jesus dying for us on the cross made a way for us to be reconciled with you and able to enter your presence. May his name be lifted high above any other.

You are the author of life and we praise you Lord because we have life. We are unworthy sinners, but still you poured your life out for us and continue to pour your life into us. You knit each one of us together in our mother’s womb. You know our comings and goings. You know the numbers of hairs on the head of each one of us. You have numbered our days. There is none like you.

We praise you Lord because you are the sustainer of life. You hold all things together. You provide the air we breathe, the sun that shines, and the rain that waters the earth. You keep all things in right order. You occupy all the universe and oversee all of its functions.

We praise you Lord because you are love and the source of love in our lives. We thank you that you pour your love into us so that we can love others. We thank you that even your discipline comes out of your love for us. You only want what is best for us and we praise you for that.

We praise you Lord because you are long-suffering and don’t punish us as our sins deserve. We thank you that you never give up on us but continue to pursue us. We thank you that you are our heavenly Father and care about us. Lord, even though you are the Lord of the Universe and we are but dust, we matter to you. Thank you Lord for caring for each of us. Thank you for giving us both physical and spiritual life. Thank you that you are God.


Psalm 148