The Things I do

Lord, sometimes when I see the things I do I wonder how I can be so petty and selfish. The times when I do see myself make me wonder how often I fail to see myself as I really am. Please, Lord, make me sensitive to your Spirit so I am aware of the things I do that grieve your heart.

I know that my criticism of others hurts you. May I stop finding fault with the actions of others and instead look inward and examine myself and my motivations. May my actions towards others truly come out of love and a desire to bless and benefit them.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you came to show us what love is. Thank you that although you were perfect you associated with those who weren’t. Thank you that you love us and were willing to give your life in exchange for ours even though we didn’t value or appreciate you. Thank you for being relentless in your pursuit of us and never giving up hope that we will see our need for you.

Lord, may your Spirit do a convicting work in us so that we see ourselves for who we are, sinners in need of a savior. May we see our self-righteousness as filthy rags and want to be cleansed and clothed by your righteousness. Lord, we acknowledge that we can never be right apart from your work in us.

Lord, I ask that you purify me so that I want more of you. Please enable me to die more to myself each day and come more alive in you. Lord, may I want what you want. May drawing close to you and pleasing you be the focus of my life. Lord, please transform my critical heart into a loving, compassionate one. May my thoughts and actions reflect you and the work you are doing in me. Thank you for your continual goodness to me.


1 John 1:5-10