The Next Generation

Lord, we lift up the next generation of children and put them in your hands for your work to be done in their hearts and minds. We know that only a few of them are being trained in your truth, but we pray that your hand would be upon them all so they would know you and your ways. Please pour out your Holy Spirit upon them and open their eyes to see their need for you.

For those parents who know you, I pray that they would see the importance of training their children well. I pray that they would recognize the depth of their responsibility and their role in directing the outcome of their children’s lives. I pray that they would see that you measure success by hearts that are inclined to you, not by worldly standards of outside things. May parents understand that character is of far greater value than economic or academic success.

May parents fully appreciate the importance of knowing your deeds and statutes and pass on their understanding to their children. Thank you that you reveal yourself to us through your creation and your word. Thank you that we learn more of your love and amazing power as we study them. May we be open to the Holy Spirit as we pursue learning and pass it on.

Lord, make us into better students so we see you at every turn and can pass on our understanding to our children and our children’s children. May we see and share more of your goodness every day. May understanding of you and your presence in us radiate to others by how we speak and live our lives.

Lord, as people look at the amazing world you have created, may they see you and know that you established it. May their minds be opened and the blinders lifted so they recognize that all that exists is because of you and your creative power. Bring light into the eyes of the world so that people everywhere would see you and not live in darkness.


Psalm 78:1-8