The Grace – Prayer

Lord, thank you for the grace that you extend to us. I know that I really deserve your wrath and disdain for my rebellion against you, but instead you extend to me grace and mercy. I pray that seeing your kindness to me would cause me to be gracious and merciful to others.

May the words that come out of my mouth be a blessing and edifying to others. May I see what others need and speak accordingly. May I want what is best for others and do my part in bringing that to pass.

May I give others the benefit of the doubt when I feel wrongly treated. May I not take offense at what they do or say to me but rather return good for what I see as evil. May what I do and say reflect your grace and mercy.

Lord, in a time when anger and hostility seem rampant, may I be a reflection of you and respond in love to whatever anyone says. May I have compassion for the lost state of people, just as you have had compassion for me. May I recognize that it is only through your Spirit at work in me that I can respond rightly to the injustices of life.

Lord, please enable me to be a pleasing aroma and your ambassador in all situations. May I pursue peace and as far as it depends upon me live in harmony with others. Lord, each of us needs you to work in us so that we can live rightly. May I truly be open to the conviction of your Holy Spirit so I see what I need to see about myself and not focus on the shortcomings of others. Thank you, Lord that you want to make me right so I can do what is right. I need you Lord Jesus and thank you for your kindness to me.


Romans 12:9-21