The Candy Cane

Legends surrounding the origin of the candy cane are many and the question as to whether or not they are true does not lessen its role as a teaching tool to use at Christmas.

            Hard candy has been around for centuries, but it was always a solid color. It is recorded that a choirmaster in Germany in 1670 was looking for a way to keep the children quiet during the long Christmas Eve service when he thought of giving them a candy stick to lick. He figured it would be more acceptable to give the children the candy if the stick had some meaning attached to it, so he had the candy maker bend a white candy stick into a crook. In giving the sticks to the children, he explained that the white color represented the pure, sinless life Christ lived and the crook the shepherds who came to worship him.

            Those pure white candy canes became popular and were used to decorate Christmas trees, probably in part because they were easy to hang. In the 1920’s a way was found to twist colors into the candy cane. A candy maker in Indiana popularized the red and white version, telling a story about how it had been used in England as a way to identify Christians and share the meaning of Jesus’ life.

The legends of the candy cane
are more than quite a few,
And we can not be certain
which one is really true.
But we can sure give meaning
to that tasty candy stick,
So we will think of Jesus,
when at Christmas one we lick.

Candy canes are shaped
just like a shepherd’s crook.
That Jesus is our shepherd
we don’t want to overlook.
And the colors can remind us
of the life that Christ did live,
So at Christmas we’ll remember
all that Jesus came to give.

Jesus lived a perfect life;
he didn’t ever sin.
So the white can symbolize
he was holy from within.
Then upon the cross he died;
he shed his blood to save.
The color red’s a symbol
that his life for us he gave.

Turn the staff upside down
the letter “J” to make.
The one and only Son of God
the power of death did break.
When Jesus came to live on earth
God’s promise was fulfilled.
All people have a shepherd,
if to Christ their heart they yield.

Our shepherd wants to keep us safe,
underneath his arm.
He wants to give eternal life
and keep us out of harm.
He wants to guide our steps
in the way of truth and light.
Good sheep will follow after him
and choose to do what’s right.

If we are faithful sheep,
we will hear our shepherd’s voice.
To follow and stay close to him
will be our daily choice.
To green pastures he will lead us,
where we can learn and grow.
We just have to listen to him;
his voice we have to know.

At Christmas we remember Christ,
the gift from God above.
God sent his promised Savior
to the people he does love.
Our Shepherd gave his life for us
so we can live with him.
And when we follow Jesus,
heaven we will enter in.

A candy cane reminds us
the good Shepherd came to save.
Because of his great love for you,
his life he freely gave.
You can trust in Jesus,
the Savior God did send.
It’s good to know that Jesus
is your shepherd and your friend.