Thank You – Prayer

Lord, when we look at the beauty and majesty of your creation open our eyes to see you more. Lord, you designed all things good, to function in a way that would glorify your name. We know that the Fall and our rebellion against you has changed all that, but we want to get back to honoring you when we gaze at your great works.

Thank you for how you designed our bodies to function well. Thank you that provide the food we need to eat and a way for our bodies to digest it so that we can live. Thank you that you gave us eyes to behold the colors and beauty of all that surrounds us. Thank you for giving us hands that grasp and are able to make and hold onto things. Thank you for giving us feet on which we are able to walk and run. Thank you for giving us joints that bend as they should and enable us to move our bodies.

Thank you Lord that you made us in your image, higher than the animals. Thank you that you gave us a mind so we can learn, think and be inventive. May we learn to think as you think and use our minds in a way that honors you.

Thank you that you gave us a heart with which to love. May we learn to love as you love. May we respond rightly to you and others. May our hearts be set on you and what is good.

Thank you that you gave us a will so we can freely choose to love and serve you. May we submit our will to your will and want your will to be done in our lives and on the earth.

Thank you Lord that we each have a soul that will live forever. Thank you that you made a way for our souls to be connected to you through the gift of your Son.

Thank you Lord for all you have given us. May we continually acknowledge who you are and be grateful for all you have done.


Psalm 33:6-11 (Click to read)