Thank You Lord -Prayer

Thank you Lord that though the world may be in chaos around us, you are steadfast and true. Thank you that in you we have a sure foundation for our lives and have no reason to be afraid. Thank you that you are sovereign and in all circumstances are at work so that your purposes may be served. Thank you that you are preparing us to be with you for all eternity when this life passes away.

May we lift our eyes up to you and focus on that which lasts forever. May we recognize that the number of our days on earth are few and will pass away. May we open our hearts to you for your Spirit to do your work in us.

Thank you Lord that you have not abandoned us and left us as we were, separated from you. Thank you that your Son came to give his life for our lives, that we might be reconciled to you.

May the times we are living in show us the evil we are all capable of and our need to be cleansed and redeemed by you. May our eyes be open to our desperate state apart from you. May we want to be made right and yield ourselves to you.

Thank you that in you we have hope and a future. Thank you for the gift of life everlasting and the purification from our sins. Thank you that in you our hearts can be made new and you change us into what you desire us to be. Thank you that we can put off our old self and be transformed into your likeness.

May our hearts want you Lord above all else. May we see clearly the fleeting nature of life and focus on the eternal work you are doing in us and around us.


Psalm 33:12-22 (Click to Read)