Teach Us – Prayer

Lord, teach us to love and follow your truth. May your word fill our minds and direct our steps. May our view of the world be order by the reality of who you are and what you say is good.

Lord, help us to recognize that whatever fills our mind is what will be magnified in our life. Enable us to be good gatekeepers and meditate on what is good, love, excellent, and praiseworthy. We thank you that you are all those things and when we reflect on you and your glory, our souls are edified.

Lord, may we put aside petty thoughts that would drag us down and keep us from experiencing your presence. Thank you that you are pleased when we are grateful and keep our eyes on you and what is good.

Lord, you tell us that our heart is the wellspring of life and to guard it with all diligence. May we be aware of what we let into our heart and the impact that will have on our life. May our thoughts and desires be pleasing to you, O God, our rock and redeemer.

We thank you for the hope that we have in you. We thank you that you have called us to be holy as you are holy. We recognize that is an impossibility apart from your work in us. We thank you that you want to do that work in us as we submit to you and your will and good purposes.

Lord, help us to remember that we have nothing good apart from you. May right thoughts of you fill us and guide us. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in your sight.


Psalm 19:7-14 (Click To Read)