Something To Teach

The design of each animal has something to teach us.

Bible Reading: Proverbs 30:24-31

24 Four things on earth are small,
    but they are exceedingly wise:
25 the ants are a people not strong,
    yet they provide their food in the summer;
26 the rock badgers are a people not mighty,
    yet they make their homes in the cliffs;
27 the locusts have no king,
    yet all of them march in rank;
28 the lizard you can take in your hands,
    yet it is in kings’ palaces.

29 Three things are stately in their tread;
    four are stately in their stride:
30 the lion, which is mightiest among beasts
    and does not turn back before any;
31 the strutting rooster, the he-goat,
    and a king whose army is with him.

Reading Questions: What can be learned from the ants? What can be learned from the coney? What can be learned from the locust? What can be learned from the lizard? What are the animals that are stately in their stride? What does that mean they do?

Journal Writing: What is an important truth from the Bible reading? Why do you need to know that truth?

Application Prayer: Write out a prayer for God’s insight and help into how you can apply the truth from the reading.

Week’s Memory Verse:  Psalm 50:11-12

11I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine. 12If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it.