Struggles – Prayer

Lord, forgive me for my petty self-focus, thinking that everything should be easy and life have no struggles. I know that struggles cause me to seek you and to recognize that I am not you and can’t control the events of my life. Forgive me for thinking that you need to do my will rather than surrendering my will to yours.

Lord, work in me that I see more fully that life isn’t about me and my comfort but rather about you and your purposes. Thank you that you are doing a purifying work in me to make me more useful to you.

Lord, I acknowledge that I am deserving of nothing but in your kindness, you have poured out your blessing upon me. The greatest blessing is the gift of your Son who made a way for me to come into a right relationship with you. May I understand the fullness of that gift and not take it for granted.

Lord, may I yield to the purifying work of your Holy Spirit in my life. Ma I be willing to look at myself and see my own ugliness and what needs to be cleansed from my life. May I not resist your work in me but embrace you and your transforming power. May I see that you don’t want to leave me the way I am for my own good.

I pray for greater willingness to die to self so I can come more alive in you. I pray that I would embrace hardship as a gift from you to purify me from myself and make me more useful to you. Jesus, I need you and your Spirit to work in me. Thank you that this is a prayer you are pleased to answer. Thank you that you love me too much not to challenge me to be something more in you.


Luke 9:23-27