The Christmas Star

The star figures prominently in Christmas decorations and is often used to top a Christmas tree.  The star is associated with the Magi who were men from a country to the east of Judea who studied the heavens and recognized the appearance of a special star as a sign from God.  It is possible that they knew that from a study of the Old Testament.  Numbers 24:17a says, “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.”  That understanding may have been what motivated them to travel to Jerusalem and ask, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”

            The idea that there were three Magi originates from the fact that there were three gifts, but the number of Magi is really not known.  Also, it is impossible to know for sure who the Magi were or where exactly they came from as the Bible never says.  It is likely that they came from Persia as a class of Magi existed there at the time.  The Magi were a scholarly and priestly class who served as advisors and astrologers to the rulers of Persia, which would explain why they would be studying the heavens and had knowledge of the Jewish Scriptures. 

Stars as decorations
everywhere are seen.
Have you ever wondered what
the Christmas star does mean?
A star atop a Christmas tree
is a special star,
Serving to remind us
that the wise men traveled far.

The wise men they were scholars
who studied stars at night,
When there appeared a special star
that was unusually bright.
They thought the star was showing,
there was born a mighty king.
They determined they should find him
and royal gifts should bring.

And so they started on their quest,
riding camels far,
Following the leading
of that very special star.
Till over a small dwelling that star
did come to rest,
And Mary they did find there
with Jesus at her chest.

The little baby they did find
is the king of kings.
Their royal gifts cannot compare
to what Christ Jesus brings.
Jesus came to die for men,
forgive them for their wrong,
And we receive his gift of life,
when to him we belong.

Just as the wise men read the signs
of that special star above,
The star atop a Christmas tree
Reminds us of God’s love.
The baby that the wise men found
to all the world brings light,
Leading men to God above
and what is good and right.

Christ’s light shines in the darkness,
so we can see what’s true.
He leads us in the way of God
to show what’s right to do.
And if we let his light shine,
brightly in our life,
We will put aside the deeds
that bring evil, pain and strife.

Some people love the darkness
they don’t want to see the light,
Because they want to go their way,
not follow what is right.
They deny the truth of Christ,
his name they won’t confess.
They stumble round in darkness
and their lives become a mess.

At Christmas be reminded
of what Jesus brought to earth.
Focus on the things of God,
which have much greater worth.
And remember that the special star
atop a Christmas tree,
Is a symbol of the light Christ brings,
so God all men can see.