Sovereign Over All – Prayer

Lord, we thank you that you are God and sovereign over all your creation. Nothing escapes your attention and you will hold us accountable for our thoughts, words and actions. May this cause us to want to do what pleases you.

Thank you for being loving and just and not treating us as our sins deserve. Lord, may we learn to be loving and just as you are. May your work be done in us so we treat others in a way that honors you. May we want what is best for others and not return evil for evil.

Lord, we pray that your work would be done in our nation so we would see clearly our need for you. May each of us be aware of the evil in our own hearts and look to you for cleansing and healing. Thank you for giving your life that we might be made right.

We pray that your love would surround the Floyd family and that they would experience your peace and comfort. We pray that they would be forgiving as you are forgiving and that they and this situation would be a force for positive change in this country.

We pray for the police officers involved that they would recognize the depth of their own depravity and would want to be cleansed and made right. Lord, may this cause each of us to uncover the sin hidden in our own hearts. Thank you for the shed blood of Jesus through which we find forgiveness for our sin.

Lord, please bring healing to our land and our hearts. May we as a people see how much we need you and submit to your lordship. May we want what you want. We know that in submitting to you and following your ways we will have peace in our hearts and in our land. May your work be done in us.
