Society – Prayer

Oh Lord, may reason and sound judgement prevail in our society. May we as a people stop calling what is bad good, what is dark light and what is bitter sweet. May we recognize that you have instituted a standard of what is right and wrong. May we see that living by your standard brings blessing and contentment and rejecting your standard brings chaos and destruction. 

Lord, may our eyes be open to see that what feels good or sounds good may not be good. May we acknowledge what is right and true is good regardless of our feelings about it. May we stop blaming others for our problems and take responsibility for our own actions and state of our lives.

Thank you, God, for laying out clearly in your word what is right and true. May we see the importance of looking to you for understanding of the way we should go. May we recognize where a path will take us and make good decisions based on outcomes, not desires. May the light of your truth guide us.

Lord, your word says that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel and the glory of Christ. God, may your light penetrate the darkness that has so captured this world. May the darkness be shown for what it is, destructive and enslaving.

Lord, reveal any darkness in us so that we may faithfully shine your light in a dark and deceived world. May the light of your goodness, mercy and truth shine forth in our words and actions. Lord, may we know your truth and follow it so that the world may see you.

Thank you Lord for bringing us out of darkness into your glorious light. Thank you for rescuing us from the captivity of our sin and making a way for us to come to you. Thank you Jesus that you are the way, the life, and the truth who brings us to our loving, heavenly Father.


2 Corinthians 4:1-6