
Lord, we can be so shortsighted. Help us to see with your eyes all that you have done for us. Let us remember this day all you have done for all people everywhere. Let us remember that though our sins separate us from you, you have made a way to atone for them so that we can dwell in your presence.

Lord God, the way back to you is only through the atoning sacrifice of your Son who gave his perfect life for our sin-filled ones. Lord, we acknowledge that we are unworthy of such a gracious gift, but that you gave it to us anyway. Thank you that Jesus gives us a way back to you when we acknowledge and repent from our sin.

Lord, all of us are sinful. We follow our own evil desires rather than you and what is good. Lord, what is of you is good because it comes from you and will bless and benefit us and others. What is sinful does not come from you and harms and destroys us. Open our eyes to see the reality of our sin and its outcome.

Lord, thank you for the continuous redeeming work that you desire to do in us. Thank you that you have given us your Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin and draw us to yourself. Thank you that we have not been left alone in our lost state but have been given a Savior to lift us up and rescue us.

Thank you that a sacrifice for our sin no longer has to be offered because you paid the penalty once and for all. Thank you Jesus that your shed blood purifies us from all unrighteousness and makes us right. Thank you for taking our sin upon yourself and redeeming us.

Lord, may we live our lives in light of the great gift you have given us. May we want to please you in every way. May your transforming work be done in us so we only want what you want and therefore no longer give ourselves over to sin. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of new life in you.


Hebrews 10:1-4