Shine Upon Us

Lord, may your light shine upon us so we see your truth and the goodness of walking in your way. May we acknowledge who you are and who we are in comparison. We are nothing and have nothing apart from you.

May we see clearly that the rejection of you leads to nothing good. May we see that without acknowledging our accountability to you we follow foolish ideas down destructive paths. May we recognize how much we need you to guide our way.

Lord, may the evil, destructive ideas that have permeated our land be exposed for what they are. May eyes be open to the hollow and deceptive ideas that may sound good but are destructive because they are not of you and destroy rather than build up. May we recognize that the ideas of men that contradict your truth will never take us to a good place. May we learn to measure every idea to your truth and reject those that are not in accordance with it.

Thank you, Lord, that you will expose evil for what it is and in the end good will triumph. Thank you that though the moment seems dark your light will shine through. Thank you that in the end every knee will bow before you and your goodness will reign.

Lord, give us the strength to endure through the dark times. Give us a steadfast spirit that clings to you and does not waver when all seems lost. May our faith be in you and your faithfulness, not in the world. May we understand that you will use what seems wrong for your glory. Thank you that you are sovereign and at work even when we don’t see you. We trust you Lord and thank you that our lives are in your hands.


Psalm 34:1-10