To Rule Creation

Once God made man, his creation was complete.  Because man was made in the image of God, he is the height of God’s creation.  God gave humans special instructions concerning his creation.  Genesis 1:28 says, 28God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

The Earth Given to Man

The first command for humans was to be fruitful and fill the earth with their offspring and the second was for them to rule over the earth and all that is in it.

In order to be fruitful and fill the earth, God designed men and women to come together in marriage and have children.  In this way, they would increase in number and populate the earth. 

God also gave humans the responsibility for ruling over the earth.  A ruler is someone who has authority over an area of land and what lies in it.  Humans were given authority over the earth.  Psalm 115:16 says, The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.  

A Good Ruler

A good ruler looks out for the best interest of all his subjects and takes care of the land they live in.  He makes decisions based on what is good for others and puts aside selfish interests.  He does what is right in all circumstances. 

In making humans ruler over the earth God intended for people to be creative and productive as God is creative and productive.  Humans are to be a good steward of God’s creation, using it in a wise way for beneficial purposes.  They are not to exploit or ruin what God has created for their own selfish purposes.  They are to care for what God has made in a way that honors God, benefits people and enhances God’s creation.

While humans rule or have authority over God’s creation, God has authority and is the ruler over them.  He has created people and therefore has authority over them.  Psalm 97:1 says, The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.

The Lord Reigns 

To reign means to possess and to exercise complete authority over something.  If the earth is glad and the shores rejoice that God reigns, that means that God is a good ruler. 

It is because God is holy and perfect that he is a good ruler.  God won’t do anything wrong.  He loves his creation with a never-ending love and watches over it to direct it along a path towards him and what is good.  He looks to the interest of his creation and does what is right for all of it.  He provides for its needs.  He judges all things fairly. 

Humans are only good rulers over God’s creation when they reflect God’s image.  If people act in selfish ways and try to use God’s creation for their own purposes then they ruin and destroy what is good.  In order to rule the earth wisely and well, people need to fear God and be in right relationship with him. 

Fear The Lord

To fear the Lord means that we recognize we are under God’s authority and answerable to him for our actions.  Those who fear and obey God will be blessed because they will do what pleases God.  They will be good rulers like God and do what is right.

  • Overview Questions:  What were God’s two commands to humans concerning the earth?  What is the responsibility of a good ruler?  What does it mean to fear God?  Why do people need to fear God and submit to his authority?
  • Thought Questions:  How have humans fulfilled God’s two commands concerning the earth?  How have they abused their authority?  What is the general attitude of people toward God? Why don’t people fear God and submit to his authority?  What is the outcome of that?
  • Prayer: Thank God for the wonderful world he has made.  Acknowledge that the world and everything in it belong to God.  Pray that you would recognize how much you need to submit to God’s authority and how you should take care of what God has made.

Week’s Memory Verse:  Psalm 115:16

The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.

What responsibility has God given to humans?

God gave the earth to humans to take care of.