Righteous and Good – Prayer

Lord, you alone are righteous and good. When we try to be righteous and good on our own apart from you, we end up trampling all over other people in our self-righteousness. It is only through humility in seeing ourselves as we really are that we treat others as we should.

Lord, responding with kindness requires humility. Responding with compassion requires humility. We have to see our own sin to extend true kindness and compassion to others. We have to see our own lack of righteousness to keep from judging others. Help us to see self-righteousness for what it is, an affront to you.

Jesus, there is only one perfect example of how we are to live and that is you. You were without sin with a heart full of love and compassion toward us in our sinful condition. In all situations, you did what was right and lifted people up. You never tore them down, even when speaking what was true about them.

Holy Spirit work in us that we too might live rightly and have an edifying effect on others. May our heart’s desire be to build others up and not to elevate or bring attention to ourselves. As a result of your love and kindness to us, may we be loving and kind to all others.

Lord, we understand that in this sinful and fallen world there will be conflict and dissatisfaction with others. Enable us to evaluate only whether we are doing what is right and not concern ourselves with what others are doing. May goodness flow out of us because your goodness is at work in us.

May we bless and not curse. May we love and not hate. May we lift up and not tear down. May we speak truth and not lies. May everything about us reflect you as we yield ourselves to you and your truth. You alone Lord God are good and righteous and we acknowledge our need for you and your work to be done in us.


Romans 10:1-5