Richard Elwell – Prayer

Psalm 139:1-16 (Click to Read)

Thank You

Lord, on the day of Richard’s birth, those of us who were blessed to know him want to thank you for the life you gave him. We thank you that your hand was upon him and that you knew and numbered the days of his life. We thank you that you humbled a self-centered, rebellious man and made him into your servant. We thank you that you brought light to a darkened mind and used that mind to enlighten others.

Lord, we thank you that through the change you brought to Richard’s life we are able to see clearly your love and redemptive power. We thank you that you never gave up on him even when he mocked and ridiculed you and those who were called by your name. Thank you that you are long-suffering and don’t desire for anyone to perish.

Thank you for the love for your truth that you planted in Richard’s heart. Thank you for the clarity of understanding you gave him that he was able to pass on to others. We pray that all you poured into Richard’s life would continue to pour out to others through the ministry of Ultimate Outcomes.

Lord, among Richard’s last words when he was dying were that he wanted to have one more conversation with others. He desired to share your goodness and truth until his mind was no longer there. We pray that you would fulfill his desire and that many would hear the words of wisdom that you gave him through the offerings of Ultimate Outcomes.

Thank you Jesus for redeeming his life. Thank you for the wisdom you gave him through your Holy Spirit. Thank you that he has entered your presence and is delighting in you forever. Lord, may you continue to use his life to be a blessing to those who didn’t have an opportunity to know him in person.



  1. Pastor Richard was a huge influence in my life. Their has been countless times since his passing that I have wished I could get his insight. Being under his teaching from a young age truly shaped me into who I am today. Our family is forever grateful for the life and ministry of this great man.

  2. Earlier this year, my tenth grade son’s Honors Lit. teacher sent me an email. He had noticed in class that my son thought critically and deeply about issues. Having a young son himself, he wanted to know how my husband and I had fostered such a deep love for ideas in our son. The first answer to come to my mind was… Richard Elwell. My son loved conversations with Pastor Richard. Pastor Richard taught him to actively watch out for the ideas and messages coming from movies, TV, books, and even from his teachers at school. Pastor Richard also helped my son form a good Biblical foundation by which to compare these ideas and messages around him. To this day, he jumps to read a book that he hears Pastor Richard recommended. I am so grateful for the impact Pastor Richard had on my son and my whole family. An impact that made my son’s teacher notice “this kid really thinks”. In today’s world of bombarding ideologies, we need our youth to think critically and biblically, and Pastor Richard’s studies are a great place to start. So, so thankful that they are available through Ultimate Outcomes.

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