Remembering Richard

My husband Richard passed a year ago today and it left a huge hole in my life. Not only did I lose my husband and best friend, I also lost my pastor, a person who was a continual fountain of sage advice, who never failed to steer me toward God. After he died, I cried out to God to fill the hole and continue to work in and through me. I have to say that God answered that prayer beyond measure and has been with me in every step of this new and very different stage of life.

Things I won’t Forget

Wise things that Richard would say to me continually echo in my mind. The one, which has resonated the most, is one that changed the course of my life while we were married, and has enabled me to get through this first year of loss with joy and contentment. All through our marriage whenever my thinking would turn negative or I would start to slip into depression, Richard would say to me, “Marty, do you want to go where those thoughts will take you.” Of course, there were times when I wanted to scream “yes” at him, but through the years, I fully came to realize that negative, anxious or ungrateful thinking brings no benefit or blessing.

If you asked me what this year has been like without Richard, I would tell you that there have been times of great sadness but in it all God has filled me to overflowing with joy and delight. I resolved to begin a new life without Richard that would be pleasing to God. I’ve refused to dwell on what I don’t have but only on what I do. I have a lifetime of good memories with the man I loved, a husband who God used to refine me, wonderful children who were blessed to have Richard as their father and an eternal and glorious future because of Richard introducing me to Christ.

Christ In Us The Hope Of Glory

On my husband’s gravestone is written “Christ in us the hope of glory.” He would quote that verse often. Helping me seek and know Jesus better was a gift my husband gave me. I want to be filled with Jesus and grateful for all that God has provided for me. I want to live my remaining life in a way that pleases Jesus and would delight my husband.

As God brings memories to mind, I will share them on this blog under the title “Remembering Richard.” I hope that others will do the same and use this blog site to remember Richard and the impact he had on their life. His redeemed life was a gift to many people. My prayer is that this website continues his legacy and conversation with others. I thank God for the 41 years he gave me with the man who changed the course and outcome of my life.


  1. Marty, it’s wonderful to read how the Lord has blessed you over the past year. I greatly look forward to your future posts.

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