Relationships – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you have designed us to live within relationships, first with you, but also with other people. Thank you that when we recognize our need for you, you dwell with us and lead us along your path and into right relationship with others.

Lord, may we desire to grow in our relationship with you. May we see that it is only through humbly submitting to your lordship that we will related rightly to you. May we see how much we need you to fill and direct our life.

Thank you for the people around us that you have given us to live in relationship with. Thank you for the parents who brought us into this world. May we honor them as you have called us to.

Lord, thank you for marriage and the companionship of being husband and wife. We pray that you would work in marriages and make them into what you desire them to be. May husbands and wives take their focus off themselves and look to you and what you want to do in and through their marriage. May they love one another sacrificially.

Thank you for the gift of children and the perpetuation of human life on earth. May parents seek you and gain the wisdom they need to train their children well. May children be filled with knowledge of you and the way they are to go.

Thank you for the community around us. May we be a blessing and benefit to others as we seek and submit to you. May we be loving and forgiving to those around us and not take offense at what others do. Please Lord, work in all our relationships so we do what brings you honor and glory. May we love others with the love you have for us.


Ephesians 5:22-6:9 (Click to Read)