Pride Goes

Lord, you say that “pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” You also say, “Righteousness exalts a nation.” We lift our leaders up before you and pray for a convicting work of your Holy Spirit in their hearts. We pray that they would see themselves for who they really are: sinners in need of a Savior. We pray for them to be humbled and to recognize how they are accountable to you for their thoughts, words, and actions.

Root out any pride in us as a people. Show us, Lord, our dependency on you. May we see that your hand of blessing is only upon those who walk humbly with you and obey your commands. Lord, may we be acutely aware of the things we believe and do that grieve you.

Lord, my heart aches for how we disregard what you value. We are without excuse when we oppose your will because you have made your will abundantly clear through your creation and your word. Please open our eyes to see our transgressions against you.

Lord, I thank you that each life is precious to you and that in the womb your Holy Spirit is at work knitting together each person according to your design and desire. Thank you that you have a plan and purpose for each human being. Lord, may conviction be upon us as a nation for our wanton destruction of human life through abortion and pride thinking that we can do what we want instead of submitting to you.

Lord God, our land needs healing and we need to be brought to our knees. Please do that work in us so we acknowledge your authority and our accountability to you. We are lost without you, Oh Sovereign Lord. Please glorify your name and person through your work in us.


Daniel 4:28-37