Pride, God hates it.

We usually think of pride in nicer terms like “I can make my own decisions,” or “I decide what is best for me.”

This attitude was the downfall of many: Eve in the garden, Adam her husband, of Moses, of King David, of Samson, of Solomon, and many others, including you and me.

It’s the idea of personal sovereignty… the idea that I am in charge of myself.  Really?  That is the lie Satan wants us to believe.

Romans 6:15-23 tells us we are not our own masters, that we all are slaves to something, slaves to righteousness or slaves to sin.

And what determines whether we are slaves to righteousness or slaves sin?  The ideas we believe and follow. You see, we are slaves to the ideas we hold on to, obey and follow.

“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

What ideas are you believing? What or who are you obeying? Where are the ideas you obey leading you? Whom are you serving with your ideas and actions?

The progression of belief stated simply is: We believe who or what we think will meet our needs. We love who or what we believe. We obey who or what we love. Our life is the result of who or what we obey.

Think about it. Whatever fills our mind, what we think about is what we love and will obey. Our actions show us clearly what belief we love.

(Adapted from Sinners Overcoming Self, SOS 1 by Richard Elwell)