Patient and Forgiving

Lord, I mess up so much. I thank you that you are patient and forgiving. Thank you for your promise to cause all things to work together for my good because I love you and am called according to your promise. When I mess up please help me to take responsibility for what I have done wrong and not try to justify or defend myself. I know I need to humbly accept blame for whatever is my fault.

As I recognize my mistakes, please work in me a heart of compassion for others. May I be forgiving as you are forgiving. May I show others the same mercy that I want for myself. Thank you Lord that it is your kindness that brings us to repentance. May I, too, be kind to others and cause them to see you.

I lay myself at your feet and ask you to do a purifying work in me. So many of my mistakes are the result of my own impulsiveness or not thinking through the consequences of my actions. Lord, please make me more thoughtful in my approach to life and to others. May I be aware of all the things I need to consider in each and every action I take.

Lord God, may I also recognize that my concerns are petty and small compared to the suffering that many are going through around the world. May I keep the blessings you have bestowed upon me in view and willingly share what I have been given with others. May I encourage and lift them up as you do me.


Ephesians 4:17-5:2