Our Provision

Lord, may we continually be aware of where our provision comes from. May we be aware of your sustaining grace in our lives. May we recognize that whatever good thing we have comes from your hands, not our own. May we see that our own strength is limited but yours is infinite.

Lord, you have commanded us to work and steward your creation. We know that our work is important to produce good results, but at the same time, we recognize that without your creative power we would have nothing to work with. Let us not forget that everything proceeds from you and not ourselves.

Lord, we are grateful that you watch over and provide for us. May we understand that when you withhold your provision and protection it is to show us something about ourselves. Lord, you want us to recognize our dependence upon you. You want us to see that in ourselves we are nothing and apart from you we can produce no good thing.

Lord, we remember the example of the Israelites and what we need to learn from them and their relationship to you. When you would bless them, they would turn from you and put their faith in themselves and worthless idols. Out of your love and desire to bring them back to you, you would allow oppression to come upon them. When in the oppression they would finally call upon you, you would bring them relief and bless them. Then in their rebellion, the whole cycle would start over once again.

Lord, may we not be like your chosen people. May we have hearts of gratitude for all that you have granted to us and may we obey your word. May we acknowledge all good things as a gift from you and not try to stand on our own apart from you. May we be aware when we are pursuing worthless things instead of you. Thank you for the love and kindness you extend to us in spite of our disobedience and tendency to turn away from you.


Deuteronomy 30:11-20