Our Country

Lord, as we hear hateful things said about our country, may we reflect on what it truly means to be a patriot, support our nation and defend it against all enemies. May we understand that the character of our country is only as good as the character of the people who reside in it. May each of us individually want to be the best we can in you to have a positive effect on our nation.

Lord, we thank you for the wisdom that you gave our Founders in creating the government they did. They understood that we are all fallen and will easily do what is wrong. Thank you for the checks and balances they put in place to protect us against despotic rulers who are seeking personal power rather than the public good.

Lord, may our leaders be people of character who make the choice to do good rather than follow what feels good. May they govern with understanding and reason, rather than emotion and whim. May they be humbled before you.

Lord, all of life goes better when we weigh our choices in terms of their outcomes, not how they make us feel. Help us to see the consequences of policies and ideas and be wise in our decisions. Give wisdom to our leaders. May those in positions of power see how much they need to be submitted to you and your truth to be able to do what is right.

Lord, apart from you and your truth we have no way to discern what is good from what is evil. May we seek you and your understanding and reflect you in our thoughts, words, and actions, May we grow in character and affect others and our land in a positive way. May we truly seek the good of all and not what feels good to us. Purify us Lord and make us better people who honor you and edify others.


John 18:28-40