Our Battle

Heavenly Father, help us to remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood. May our desire be to show love and kindness to everyone, especially those that may disagree with us. May you use us to embrace people when the political climate is working to divide and polarize us.

Lord, please restore our hearts and help us to truly love and respect each other, despite our differences. Help us to follow your command and love our neighbors as ourselves, not just when it is easy but when we feel attacked or misunderstood. Let us not give into our sinful nature that only wants to associate with those who are like-minded. May we be challenged to see the remnants of your image in all people.

Lord, you have created us to love you and those around us; help us to fulfill this purpose. Keep us from getting distracted from your calling. Now more than ever it is easy to lose sight of what is truly important as it feels like we are in a never-ending flood of chaos. May we not lose sight of our life’s purpose in the midst of the craziness of our time. May we not give into the anxieties of life; instead help us to trust you to provide for all our needs.

Help us to take our focus off ourselves and see the needs of those around us. May we listen and think before speaking. Sometimes we are more focused on making our voice heard instead of hearing your voice. Forgive us for our self-centered mindset and deliver us from it.

In following you. may we shine your light in a dark world. May our focus be on building your eternal kingdom and not on the fading kingdoms of this world. Lord, replace our selfish perspective with your self-sacrificing one.


Ephesians 6:10-13