Open Our Eyes – Prayer

Lord, please open our eyes so we see the deceptive ideas and lies of the world that would take us away from you and your truth. Please help us see clearly that the result of our lives is a consequence of what we have chosen to believe and follow.

Lord, we all have needs and desire to have those needs me. Enable us to see that it is only through seeking after and believing in you that our needs will be met. Lord, we understand that trying to meet our needs apart from you will only result in frustration and dissatisfaction in life. Only when we seek you first will you meet our needs. Thank you that there is no satisfaction in life apart from you.

Lord, we recognize that our most important need is for you and nothing apart from you will satisfy our souls. May we truly believe that what you offer us is far better than anything in the world. May we look to you in all things and love what you love.

Lord, examine our thoughts and what fills our minds to show us if they are of you. Whatever fills our mind reveals what we love and will end up obeying. Please work in us so we want to love and obey you.

Lord, you say that those who love you and your truth will obey you. May we learn to love you with all of our being. May our actions come out of our love for you.

Lord, when we are frustrated or unhappy help us to uncover the lies we are believing and what our minds are filled with. Please enable us to replace wrong thinking with your truth and all that is good, lovely and excellent. Lord, may our hearts be full of gratitude for your love for us. May in all things we choose to glorify and follow you. Work in us we pray.


John 14:23-31 (click to read)