One Day – Prayer

Lord, one day every one of us will pass from this life and stand before you accountable for all we have done. May we see now that only what we have done in your name and through your Spirit in us has lasting value. May we see that our self-righteousness is like filthy rags and brings us no benefit.

Lord, we understand that you are perfect and holy and that our sin separates us from you. We realize that we can never come into your presence as we are. We thank you that through the gift of your Son you have made a way for us to be forgiven and made right. We thank you that Jesus’ broken body and shed blood have given us new life.

Thank you that you are our loving, heavenly Father and that you don’t want anyone to perish. You want all people everywhere to come to you and receive the gift of eternal life. We pray for recognition that it is not you who reject us, but us who reject you. We pray that our arrogance of thinking we can live without you would be shattered and we would see you for who you are.

Thank you that you are God and have a heart the people you created. May we know your heart and submit to your authority. May we see that the reason we have been given life is to come to you and please you, not ourselves. May we want to live in a way that glorifies and honors you.

Open our eyes, Lord, to see you and the reality of life apart from you. Open our hearts to receive you and the fullness of your love for us. Thank you Lord that in humility we can gain you and all that you have for us through the gift of your Son.


John 3:16-21 (click to read)