Lord, Please – Prayer

Lord, please help us see that as a nation and as individuals were are sinners in need of a savior. If we don’t see ourselves clearly, you can never make us right. May we recognize that it isn’t the evil around us that is our biggest problem, but the evil that is hidden in our hearts and comes out in our words and actions.

Thank you Jesus that you want to bring us healing and make us right so we can relate rightly to you and to others. May your Holy Spirit bring conviction to us so we see what is true about ourselves. May we see that nothing gets better when we think of others as being the problem and fail to examine the shortcomings in our own lives.

Lord, please humble us as a people and show us how far short we fall of your glory and what you desire for us. May we be aware of the log in our own eye before we start pointing the finger at others.

Lord, we need you to transform us and make us into new creatures so we function with a new heart and mind. We need to see as you see, think as you think, love as you love, and do as you do. We are unable to do that without a complete and total change in us.

We thank you that you came to earth, died on the cross, and rose from the dead to make us new. We recognize that apart from your work in us we are lost and bend toward evil. We thank you that in putting our faith in you, your Spirit lives in us so that we come alive in you and are able to do good. We offer ourselves to you for your purifying work to be done in us and in our nation. Please bring us your newness of life and restore our land.


Mark  7:14-23 (Click to read)