Life – Prayer

Thank you Lord for the abundance of life you came to give us. Thank you that when we set our eyes on you we have all that we need and are fully satisfied. Help us to see when we are not satisfied it is because we are seeking something other than you to fill us.

We need you Lord.  Above all else, we need you. May we see that our spiritual need for you is far more profound than our need for physical sustenance. May dissatisfaction in our life cause us to seek your presence. We acknowledge that we have no good thing apart from you.

Open our eyes to see more fully who you are Lord God. Open our eyes to see our folly of turning our backs on you. Reveal your greatness and lift the scales from our eyes.

Lord, in this unprecedented time of prosperity it is easy to think that it is by our own human hands that we have attained greatness. Show us what is real. We acknowledge that it has only been by your favor that we have been so richly blessed. Help us to see that we haven’t deserved your favor but you have bestowed it upon us anyway.

We acknowledge our need to be humbled by you to see our complete and utter dependence upon you. Lord, without your sustaining grace there would be no life on earth. May we see clearly that it is only your favor that keeps us going.

Lord, you are God and we are not. We are completely dependent upon you. Open our eyes to see that and fill our hearts with gratitude for all you do for us. May we recognize who you are and who we are in comparison. Thank you for not treating us as our sins deserve.


Deuteronomy 8:6-18