Labor Day

Lord, as we rest from our work on the Labor Day, let us remember what is truly the important work in life that will last for all eternity. Let us fix our eyes on you and pursue what has lasting value and will not perish.

Lord, we recognize that work is good; you designed us to work and from the beginning you commanded us to work. Enable us to keep it all in proper perspective, knowing that though work is meaningful, it is not what gives our life meaning. You and you alone give life meaning. May we seek you above all else.

We recognize that even the fruit of our labor is a gift from you. You have given us the ability to work without which we would be unable to produce anything of value. Our hands work because of you. Our minds work because of you. Our strength to work comes from you. If you were to remove your sustaining hand from us, we would be unable to function.

Lord, it is you we must seek after and give thanks to for all we have. Apart from you, we have nothing. Let us remember that you are the source of all good things.

Lord, also help us remember that the work of our hands is temporal and perishing. It is our character and our response to you that has eternal value. May we see that the enduring work you have called us to is to be in right relationship with you.

May we do well the enduring work. May we yield our heart and mind more fully to you. May we want to serve you and please you in all things. May we give you the praise and honor you deserve. May our work and our attitude toward it be truly pleasing to you.   


Isaiah 55:1-6