Isn’t about Us – Prayer

Lord, help us to understand more fully that life isn’t about us, it is about you. Help us to know that we weren’t created to fulfill our purposes but to fulfill yours. Help us to recognize that when we live out the first and second greatest commandments, we fulfill our purpose to glorify you. When we bring glory to you, life goes well for us.

Lord, enable us to love others as we love ourselves, to look at what is good about them and to not focus on their shortcomings. Thank you that as we love others your love is made complete in us. May we be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the good of others.

Jesus, the essence of your love is the sacrificial giving of yourself for us. Thank you that you love us so much that you were willing to give your life to redeem ours. May we care about the needs of others as you care about our needs. May we want what will benefit others more than what we think will benefit us.

Lord, lift our eyes to you and enable us to overcome our petty self-focus. To relate rightly to others we need to take off the old self and put on the new in you. Thank you that through your work in us we are able to do that.

Lord, it really comes down to dying to self to come alive in you and to be able to love others as you love us. Enable us to die to self. Enable us to come alive in you. Enable us to love others in a way that pleases you. Lord, dwell in us that we might live in a way that glorifies and honors you.


1 John 4:13-21