Imperfect – Prayer

Lord, enable us to see what is real, that we are an imperfect people serving a perfect God. Open our eyes to see our own imperfections, so we stop pointing the finger at others for theirs. Cause us to recognize that apart from your work in us none of us is righteous.

Lord, in order to be made righteous we have to see how far short we fall of what is right. We don’t treat you and your truth with the honor you deserve. We think too highly of ourselves and fail to see our disgusting self-righteousness. Humble us Lord so we have a right view of ourselves in relation to you and others.

Lord, your word says that you oppose the proud, but give grace to the humble. Root out the pride in us that causes separation between us and you and us and others. Pride is really at the heart of our sin, thinking we can do what we want. If we are humble, we recognize that we need to think and do what you want, because you are God.

Lord, may we want you to look upon us with favor. May we humbly submit our will to your will. May we be filled with gratitude for who you are, that you are long-suffering and loving. May our heart’s desire be to please you and bring honor and glory to your name and not ourselves.

Thank you Lord Jesus for humbling yourself and coming as a servant to bring us salvation. Thank  you for emptying yourself and taking on the weight of our sins. Thank you for loving us so much that you gave your life to redeem ours. May we always be conscious of our need for you and grateful for the grace you have extended to us.


1 Peter 5:5-11