Lord, open our eyes to see clearly the ideas we believe that will take us off your path and lead to destruction. We recognize that your way is good, but we are inclined to want what is bad and will hurt and destroy us. There is so much in our current world that wars against you. May we see those things clearly and not be taken in by fine sounding ideas that are not of you.
Lord, you gave us a mind with which to think and reason. May we use our minds to think clearly and examine the ultimate outcome of all ideas. May we not let our emotions cloud our minds and hinder our ability to reason. May we care about both truth and people. May we understand fully that knowing what is true is what will be of most benefit to all people.
Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through you. Lord, it is a lie that all paths lead to you. May the eyes of people be open to see that they can’t work their way into your good graces. The only way to a relationship with you is through your Son who has opened the door for us through his death and resurrection.
Lord, you say in your word that “wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that lead to life, and only a few find it. May we recognize that following the crowd will never lead us to you. May we humbly accept that it is only through seeing ourselves for what we truly are, sinners in need of a savior, that the door of life is opened to us.
Lord, may we see that our filthy self-righteousness, thinking we are good on our own, only separates us from you and keeps us from entering your presence. Humble us Lord and show us what we need to see. Thank you for making a way for us to come to you through the small door and narrow road.