
Lord, reveal to us our own hypocrisy that we want justice for what other people do wrong to us, but mercy for what we do wrong to them. Lord, make us aware of the need to examine our own actions before jumping on others for what they may or may not have done.

May we each understand the depth of our transgression against you and all that we have been forgiven for. May we extend that same forgiveness to others and be gracious to them as you have been gracious to us. May we see that no one is righteous but you alone and understand how grievous our self-righteousness is to you.

Lord, you tell us to elevate others more than ourselves and to look to their interests rather than our own. May humility and a servant heart towards others be what characterizes us. May our actions really reflect what is in the best interests of others. May we love others honestly and sacrificially.

Lord, we recognize that we can’t treat others the way we should apart from your work in us. We need you to humble us, reveal our sin, and cleanse our hearts from unrighteousness. Thank you for your life and coming to show us what true righteousness looks like. Thank you for extending us mercy.

Lord, may we live as you lived with love, kindness and compassion. May our hearts be purified from selfish ambition and vain conceit so that pleasing you would be the motivation for all we do. May we in humility consider others as more important than ourselves.

We need you Lord Jesus. Purify us from all unrighteousness and make us into your image. May others see you at work in us. May we reflect you and be your light in a dark and hostile world.


Philippians 2:1-4