How Should We Respond To God?

This is a good point in the study of Genesis to pause and ponder the question, “How should we respond to God?” 

From earth we can look out into the sky and see other parts of God’s creation.  There is something about the vast expanse of the sky or heavens that speaks of God.  It is unsearchable, uncontainable and mysterious.  It can’t be known by people; it is beyond our ability to comprehend.  However, we need to remember that every part of creation is known by God; he calls each of the stars by name.  We are finite; he is infinite.  There is something about what is beyond earth and the great expanse of the universe that points to the vastness of who God is. 

Reading Psalm 33:1-15 will help us gain greater understanding of and appreciation for our awesome God who created all things. It will help us answer the question, “How should we respond to God?”

Psalm 33:1-9

1Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. 2Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. 3Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

4For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 5The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.

6By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. 7He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses. 8Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere him. 9For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. 

We should fear and revere God because he is faithful and loving in all he does.  He is the creator of all things and is the one who holds all things together.  He is sovereign over his creation. 

If we revere God that means that we esteem him and recognize that he is God.  We don’t think of ourselves as being his equal.  We give ourselves to him to serve and honor him.     

Vs. 10-11 show the sovereignty of God.

10The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. 11But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

God rules over all his creation and what he plans will come to pass.  People are not in charge, they are under God’s authority. 

Vs. 12-15 show what it means to fear God.

12Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. 13From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; 14from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth– 15he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.


If we fear God, we recognize who he is and understand that we are under his authority and accountable to him for the things we do.  God watches over his creation and knows everything we do.  One day we will answer to God for how we have lived our lives and responded to him.  Our choice is either to believe God and submit to him and his purposes or to reject God and go our own way. Submitting to God puts us in right relationship to him.  It is the way of blessing and joy.   Rejecting God makes us at odds with him; it puts us on a destructive downward path. 

Psalm 147:10-11 says, “the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”  Since God delights in those who fear him, it would be good for us to examine further what the fear of the Lord means.  To do this we will associate each letter of the word fear with an action of what the fear of the Lord means we do

F   Fix mind on God

If we fix our minds on God, we think about him and his truth because we know that through him we gain understanding about the way to live life and honor him.

E   Enfold God’s truth

Enfold means to completely surround something. If we enfold God’s truth then we meditate on God’s word so that it fills our minds.  If God’s truth is enfolded into our thinking and becomes part of us then we will follow it even if no one else does. 

A   Accept God’s authority

If we accept God’s authority, we recognize the right God has to rule over us.  We honor God as our King and Lord and want to do what pleases him. We recognize his sovereignty.

R   Render self to God

Render means to give yourself over to something.  If we render ourselves to God, we give ourselves to him and see ourselves as his servants.  When we render ourselves to God, we want to serve and honor him.

The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  If we fear God then we will: fix our minds on him, enfold his truth into our lives, accept his authority and render ourselves to him.  Doing those things will make us wise and we will do what is right and good.  It is good to know God, fear him and gain wisdom.  That is a proper response to God and the way we will live life well.

  • Overview Questions:  Why are people who know God blessed?  Why are we to praise God?  Why are we to fear God?  Why are we to revere God?  What does it mean that God is sovereign?
  • Thought Questions: If we fear God what will we do?  Why?  What keeps people from fearing God?  If we revere God what will we do?  Why?  What keeps people from revering God?  If we trust God what will we do?  Why?  What keeps people from trusting God?  If our hope is in God what will we do?  Why?  What keeps people from putting their hope in God? 
  • Prayer: Thank God that he is the almighty creator who loves and rules over his creation.  Pray that you would learn what it means to fear and revere God and love him with all your heart.  Thank him that he knows and sees all that goes on in the earth and takes care of those who fear and trust him.
  • Week’s Memory Verse:  Isaiah 33:5-6

 The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.   

(Note: Originally Zion was the fortified stronghold in the southernmost hilltops of Jerusalem.  In the Old Testament prophecies it referred to Israel and all her inhabitants.  In the New Testament the meaning has been extended to include all the people of God.)  What will God do for Zion?  What does it mean that God is a sure foundation for our times?  What is God a rich store of?  What is the key to that treasure?

Why should we fear God?

The fear of the Lord is the key to salvation and wisdom.