Holy Spirit – Prayer

Lord God, we want to thank you that you have not left us alone but have given us your Holy Spirit to fill us and lead us in your way. Thank you that through the power of your Spirit in us we gain the desire and ability to do what pleases you.

May the pursuit of you by the power of your Spirit in us characterize our lives. May we truly die to self and come alive in you. May we hear your voice and want what you want. May we really mean it when we say, “May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Lord, we recognize that your will is good and perfect. You only want what is best for us and your creation. Lord, apart from you we want things that will not benefit us, things that are destructive and harmful. We need your Spirit to work in us and reveal what is not of you.

Lord, if we ask, your Spirit will lead us into all truth and understanding. Only by the revelation of your Spirit can we see clearly. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear. May we come to know you more fully and discern what is of you and what isn’t.

Lord, there is no good thing apart from you. Show us our folly and the deceptive ideas we believe. Show us where we are seeking life apart from you. Uncover our evil desires and reveal to us the outcome of what we believe and follow that is not of you.

Lord, we kneel before you thanking you for your goodness to us and humbly asking for your work to be done in us. We need you above all else. Thank you that you want to pour your Spirit into us and make us right in your sight.


John 15:26-16:11