
Lord, it is obvious that the inclination of the human heart is towards evil. Once we reject you there is nothing we won’t do and approve of. Without you, we have no standard of what is right and what is wrong.

Lord, Adam and Even chose in the Garden of Eden to reject your command and do what they wanted. In doing so, sin entered the world and has been corrupting the human heart ever since. The more we reject you and go our own way, the worse it becomes. Without you and a submission to your authority, we just get worse and worse.

Lord, please open our eyes so we see fully our need for you. Open our hearts so we want you and desire to do what pleases you. Open our minds so we can see clearly your way of truth and know what is good and what is evil. Help us to understand that whatever does not align with your truth and reality is evil and will lead to disharmony and destruction.

Work in us, Lord, so we want what is good and of you. We recognize that we can’t do what is good on our own apart from you. If we think we can, we become self-righteous hypocrites and contribute to disharmony rather that heal it.

Thank you, Father, for sending your Son to die for us and bring us back into a right relationship with you. May we see how much we need the cleansing work of Jesus in our life. May we understand that we can never be made right without first acknowledging how wrong we are. May we see how our sin separates us from you and your goodness.

Lord Jesus, thank you that you gave your life to cover and cleanse our sin and enable us to enter God’s holy presence. Thank you that because of your great love we are restored to a right relationship with our Heavenly Father. Thank you that all we need to do is acknowledge your gift to us to enter eternity with you.


Romans 2:1-11