Healing of Our Land

Lord, we pray for the healing of our land. We pray for hearts to be turned to you. We pray that you would be lifted up and honored in our country. We know that we are undeserving of your kindness, but we pray that you would extend mercy to us.

Lord, you say, “do not murder,” but every day in this land thousands of mothers murder their babies. We pray that the hearts of mothers would be turned to their young. Life is a gift from you and we pray that those who believe abortion is an easy way out of a dilemma would see it for what it is, the willful taking of a human life and destructive to their own soul.

Lord, you say that marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of reflecting your image and bringing glory and honor to you. May we stop celebrating in our land that which you see as an abomination. Lord, may we see that life will only go well for us individually and as a nation if we cling to your truth and do things your way. May we stop celebrating depravity and want what is pure and right. May we stop calling dark light and light dark and instead speak truth according to your word and natural law.

Lord, may we want to be righteous and walk rightly with you. Humble us Lord so we recognize our need for you. Lord, destroy the pride that makes us think we are so smart and show us that apart from you we are nothing and have nothing of value.

Lord, we recognize that nothing good will come to us if we continue down a rebellious path, mocking and denying you and your goodness. Rescue us Lord from our own folly. Have mercy on us according to your kindness. Open our eyes to the destructive end of the path we are on. Shine your light upon us so we can see you clearly. Create in us new hearts that we would want you and want to serve your good purposes rather than our own fallen desires.


Romans 13:8-14