
Lord, on the eve of Halloween may we recognize how dangerous it is to flirt with evil and to elevate dark things and ideas. What we desire and pursue reveals what lies in our hearts. Pirates, skeletons, and ghosts are not of you and highlighting them does not bring honor to you.

Lord, may we not be attracted to the lies of Satan and the dark forces of evil. May we want and pursue light and your goodness. May we recognize deceptive ideas that will take us off your path and plant dark seeds in our hearts.

Lord, may we recognize that Satan’s ploy is to blind us so we can’t discern what is true and right. He wants to cloud our vision and our minds to lead us away from you. He wants us to follow him down dark, destructive paths. Please give light to our eyes so we will not be taken captive by his deceptive tricks.

We know Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. He entices us by challenging you and making what he offers seem good. May we fully understand that only what is of you and aligns with your truth is good. Believing and following anything that is not of you will never bless or benefit us.

Lord, Satan only wants to kill, steal and destroy. He does that by getting us to believe that what he has to offer is good. Lord Jesus, you came to give us life and give it to us abundantly. We gain what you have to offer by believing in you.

Lord, help us to see clearly the choices before us. May we want to walk in your light. May we not give into Satan’s temptations that will take us off your path and separate us from your goodness. May we focus on what is good, lovely and excellent, not on what is dark and evil. Lord, draw us to yourself so that we want you above all else.


John 8:42-47, John 10:7-10, 2 Corinthians 11:14