
Lord, you tell us to be on our guard against greed and not to covet what hasn’t been given to us. May we recognize that life and all that we have to enjoy it is a gift from you and is to be received with humility and gratitude. May we recognize that we are not entitled to anything, but be grateful for what you see fit to give us.

Lord, you say that your peace will fill us and protect us when we approach you with thanksgiving. You promise to provide for our needs when we seek you first. Please reveal to us any way in which we are seeking after other things more than you. Please expose any idols that we are pursuing and worshipping instead of you. Let us see that satisfaction in life only comes through a right relationship with you.

Lord, we recognize that you alone are God and worthy of our worship. We recognize that all that we have is a gift from you. We know that we are undeserving but in your goodness you provide for us what is needed for both physical and spiritual life. May gratitude for the abundance of your provision fill our heart.

Lord, it is clear that apart from you we will never be satisfied and that without gratitude we will never be happy. If we think we deserve more, we will always be discontent. May we see that whatever we have is enough and in seeing that may we be generous toward others. 

Thank you Lord that you are God. You are the source of life and our salvation. You are the sustainer of your creation. In you all things hold together and have meaning. Thank you that you have not left us alone but are intimately involved in our lives. Thank you that you want what is good for us and in all things are drawing us to yourself. May we be grateful for who you are and all that you have done.


Luke 12:13-34