Greater Love – Prayer

Lord, greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend. Thank you Jesus that we have no greater friend than you because you gave your perfect life to redeem our pathetic, sinful ones. Thank you for the amazing love you have shown us.

Lord, may our response to you be a willingness to sacrifice ourselves for the good of others. May we truly want what is best for others and put their needs and interests above our own. May we see that life isn’t about ourselves but about serving you through serving others. Please work in us that we become the humble servants that you desire.

Jesus, you gave us an example when you washed the feet of your disciples at the Last Supper. May we learn from you and be willing to do the most humble task you ask of us. May we see what others need and be willing to meet those needs.

Lord, forgive us for thinking so much of ourselves. Forgive us for thinking that life is about us and continually pursuing self-pleasure. May our eyes be open to see the empty outcome of that pursuit. May we see that true satisfaction will only come through surrendering ourselves to you.

May our minds be filled with you and what pleases you. May your truth be what we meditate on and what directs our steps. May we stop focusing on ourselves and what we want. Thank you Lord that when we do those things you are pleased to dwell with us. When our lives are filled with your presence, we lack nothing of value. May we see that it is only the pursuit of you that will give our lives meaning.


1 John 3:16-24 (Click to Read)